100 Top Tweets of the Week: How Twitter makes us Laugh!

You tune in to Twitter every week just to see what your favorite followers have posted as hilarious tweets, ranging from funny marriage tweets to funny hangover tweets. There are so many hilarious tweets who are posted daily and for every second and if I need to count, I will be needing a super calculator to do this. Well, instead of logging in to Twitter,why don’t you tune in to this post on the 100 top tweets of the week posted on Twitter and you are bound to roll off your chair in laughter. And please send me the links for other funny tweets in the comment section at the end of the post and I will add them to this list.

1.My Kind of Vocabulary

2.Time for Bed

3.Happy Father’s Day

4.Russian Roulette on Tinder

5.When your parents first learn how to use Skype

6. 6 Easy Exercises that Anyone Can Do

7.To all the single ladies out there, happy Valentines Day

8.Me on Valentine’s Day

9.Turn it off and on again

10.Living the noodle dream.

11.This is my last resort

12.Who needs the gym

13.The Beauty and the Real Beast

14.Keanu Reeves and a fan

15.Don’t follow the crowd

16.Don’t worry, be happy

17.I just want someone who looks at me the way Gal Gadot shamefully remembers she’s married.

18.I’m confident you guys will make the right decision..

19.If Apple sold water

20.Surely a career highlight for any vending machine refill person

21.Joe Hart trying to stop goal like

22.Even in a disaster no one wants the vegan food

23.Guys will understand

24.Welcome to the staircase of death

25.Nailed it

26.Gal Gadot’s husband has the best t-shirt ever

27.Describe your Perfect Date

28.Does she know?

29.The Most Dangerous Pole Dance Routine You’ve Seen

30.He has got his life all figured out

31.The World Cup has begun. Only the strong will survive.

32.I don’t mean to sound slutty but feel free to use me whenever you want

33.When someone gets a little too close to BAE

34.When you say write Happy Birthday on both:

35.Someone waited their whole life to write that article title.

36.You Had Sex Without a Condom…

37.Undies For Two

38.Financial Mistake

39.Manly Shopping

40.The greatest compliment ever.

41.Who wore it better!

42.This fat fool had to be rescued by animal control


44.Modern art!

45.Peeling Onions Like A Boss

46.Poor guy’s face!

47.Bose noise cancelling toilet!

48.Accuracy is important

49.While entering BIOS…

50.The ritual is complete!

51.Math Romance!

52.It all makes sense now!

53.Even The Force needs some sleep!

54.The Pebble!

55.Uhh whattt??!!

56.I have Got 3 Moods

57.Tough luck!

58.Let me go Human!


60.When Red Light Shows, Please Wait Here

61.Dad looks like he’s adopted…

62.Evil level: 1000


64.Trying to get my life together like…

65.When you have friends over and your mom suddenly walks in your room.


67.When you’re watching bae from a distance talking to someone else:

68.When you accidentally tap an ad and it takes you to the App Store:

69.My social life in a picture:

70.When you think you’re passing and then the teachers finally post grades:

71.How l feel when my wifi isn’t working:


73.Coming home from school like:

74.When somebody’s lying to you but you know the truth:

75.If u do this too you were raised right:

76.When u in a bad place but ur keeping a positive outlook:

77.When you gotta tie up your hair so it doesn’t get in your food:

78.Making decisions with your friends:

79.Waiting for a text back like:

80.You’re my favorite hello and hardest goodbye:

81.She told me to grab her pink bag and I’ve never been more confused

82.Karate School will be like:

83.Yet another unrealistic standard for women

84.This carrot looks like its about to rap the healthiest verse of 2018

85.When ur finally home and u can be yourself

86.When your friend keeps handing you Last Shots!

87.When your friend forgets to give you a blanket for sleeping

88.Finally, the Cat comes in Handy

89.My Best Friend Calling my Name

90.Turns me on

91.Your order has been shipped

92.Me on Snapchat

93.Me 24/7

94.When you get 11 likes on Instagram

95.I was really drunk last night

96.Wrestling is Stupid

97.Tough Competition

98.I Think You went too far with the Plastic Surgery

99.When you got the Window Seat

100.They thought it was a Camera


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