Short dark humor jokes and dark humor comics that will make very few laugh

The world of comics is so vast with lots of varieties and categories with lots of different styles. Comics artist have loads of imagination and knows no limit when it concerns the creation of comics. Among all these comics styles, the most uncommon one, there is the dark humor comics and dark humor jokes, which still has some effect for a few interested ones who like this style. I just hope you enjoy these short dark humor jokes displayed as comic strips. These dark humor comics are the art piece work from my favorite comic illustrator and source, We have also included some funny short dark humor jokes at the end of this post which you will hopefully enjoy while reading.

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These Short Dark Humor Comics Look morbidly Funny
















Now for some Dark Humor Jokes as promised

I met a beautiful girl down at the park today.

Sparks flew, she fell at my feet, and we ended up having sex right there and then.

I love my new Taser.

What are the best things about having about having Alzheimer’s?

You can buy and wrap your own surprise presents. Plus, you’re constantly making new friends..

“Are you serious – I can’t believe you’ve never had a mobile phone?” asked a girl I was chatting to in a nightclub. “What if your parents died and someone needed to get hold of you?”

“Well that’s hardly likely to happen, they died 6 years ago!” I said angrily.

“Oh I’m so sorry, you still sound really hurt?” she replied.

I said, “Of course I am, I only heard about it 2 days ago.”

Give a man a plane ticket and he’ll fly for a day.

Push a man from a plane and he’ll fly for the rest of his life.

I went to the chemist today and asked for a box of condoms.

The girl serving asked me if I wanted a bag with it.

I said, “No thanks, she’s actually quite pretty.”

My elderly relatives used to tease me at weddings, saying, “You’ll be next!”

They soon stopped though, once I started doing the same to them at funerals.

My best friend sadly passed away yesterday so I went to see his wife today.

I said to her, “Look on the bright side, at least he’s not suffering anymore.”

She replied, “But he wasn’t ill, he died suddenly.”

I said, “I know, I meant being married to you.”

Is it tasteless to ask a homeless guy if he likes house music?

I asked Siri why I was still single.

She turned on the front camera.

How can you tell your acne is really starting to get out of hand?

The blind start reading your face.

I went on a date last night and told my date I worked with animals every day.

She said, “Oh, how sweet. What do you do?” I said, “I’m a butcher.”

A priest asks the convicted murderer at the electric chair, “Do you have any last requests?”

“Yes,” replies the murderer, “Can you please hold my hand?”

What did the man with no hands get for Christmas?


Just kidding, he hasn’t opened his present yet.

Even people who are good for nothing have the capacity to bring a smile to your face, for instance when you push them down the stairs.

I’ll never forget my Granddad’s last words to me just before he died… “

Are you still holding the ladder?”

You know you’re ugly when you get handed the camera every time they make a group photo.

Oh daddy, I love you so much!

Hey, until we get the DNA test, I’m just Harry to you!

“Madam, your son just called me ugly!”

The mother apologizes shamefacedly, “I’m so sorry, I must have told him like a thousand times it is wrong to judge people just from how they look…”

I got a job as a librarian, but it only lasted half an hour.
Turns out, books about women’s rights shouldn’t go in the Sci-Fi / Fantasy section.

Doctor to a patient: “I have good and bad news for you. Which one would you like to hear first?” 

“The good one please.”

“I found the diagnosis of your illness, it means you have two days to live.”

“And the bad one?”

“I’ve been trying to reach you for two days.”

 Titanic: “And I’m nominating all passengers for the Ice Bucket Challenge!”

What do you call a dog with no legs?

Doesn’t really matter what you call him, he won’t come anyway.


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