The best funny pranks to pull at home to help you become a prankster

What better way to add some humour in your home by pulling pranks on your family members at home? There are lots of things that you can do at home to add some fun. Starting from the toothpaste change to mustard to the hair-dryer and powder prank, you can just use your wide imagination and creative mind for the pranks to pull at home. Some of the ideas that other people have had so far can be a source of inspiration to you and ring some bells for you.

Funny pranks to pull at home to become the best prankster

Post It on the bed prank

Inverted filled glass bottle prank

The Toilet Bug Prank woks all the time

Wrap up parent house prank

Post It Dad’s car prank

The Airhorn Door Open prank

Super Glue on the toothbrush isĀ  evil

Good luck with the duck tape in the toilet

The spider under the cup prank

pranks to pull at home

Mayonnaise as toothpaste prank

The most evil of all pranks goes without words


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