Cutie uses PowerPoint presentation skills to convince her crush to date her

For those who don’t know her, let me make the introductions. This cutie and regular looking girl is Lizzy Fenton. She is a student majoring in the field of Genetics, Cell Biology & Development at the University of Minnesota. This girl’s story has gone extremely viral on the net and on Twitter.Her story is that she tried to convince her crush, Carter to date her by using her PowerPoint presentation skills from college to make a unique presentation entitled “Why Should You Date Me?”. She has put her genuine and valid arguments in the presentation so that her crush would agree to date her.


The first valid point that she put forward – “Sick of your family nagging you to get a girlfriend” is about convincing the parents of Carter that she is a good match for him in the sense that she likes to mingle with family and is very classy. She goes well beyond words with a very classy picture of her at college.


The second point is very funny and original and has as title “Monogamy not your Style? No Problem“. In this slide, she mentions that dating her is like dating three girlfriends all at once since she has got diverse hairstyles and it feels like a different person each time.


This one is titled “My Boobs exhibit steady growth over time”. Lizzy knows that boys usually like big boobs and makes an analysis involving two statistical tests to then display results in the form of a graph. Interpreting the graph proves that Lizzy’s boobs will grow larger  over time and Carter would be more than satisfied. Carter is very lucky indeed as Lizzy knows the way to a man’s heart.


The fourth slide is about her financial situation. Lizzy states that she is financially stable and she can even support Carter if required. She even adds to this statement by showing a proof that her benefactors (her parents) can even lend her cash if required.

If still not convinced, the next slide displays all the critics regarding her. The most funny critic is:

She is my phone background. – Miss America 2012.

What’s more surprising is that Lizzy has even a good critic from Carter’s ex-girlfriend.

Microsoft even wanted to participate and add to her PowerPoint skills by sending in a final slide.


At this point, I am sure people are dying to know the end of this story. Well, Lizzy got a tweet as reply from Carter saying,

This is very nice. Please stop contacting me.


Well, even though it was heart-breaking news for Lizzy, it did not take her long to get over it. See her latest tweet on Twitter.


Finally, all ends well for everyone and Lizzy Fenton is again on her feet by being active on her Twitter profile to show she is definitely over Carter.



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