One of the best collection of funny One Piece memes ever

I am myself a really huge fan of the manga serial ‘One Piece’. I have watched around 345 episodes of the manga and I appreciate each one as much as the other. It’s just like the famous Springles slogan – “Once you pop, you can’t stop”. Once you start watching one episode, you become addicted and can keep on watching for hours. The story is about Luffy, a small boy at first glance, with the straw hat, who wants to find the One Piece, a supposedly huge treasure left by the famous pirate by Gol D. Roger, who challenged all pirates to find his treasure, before he was executed.

In the race for the One Piece, all pirates from all over the world navigate on the seven seas in its search. And some of these famous pirates, including Luffy, have a special power, acquired from eating the ‘Gum Gum fruit’.

Luffy is the one with power of the rubber fruit, that is, his body is elastic. However the negative side of the Gum Gum fruit is that they sink like iron when in the sea, which is ironical to the fact that he is a pirate and navigating on a boat over the sea with his crew.

Well, that should be enough to understand about the manga serial, and these One Piece Luffy memes will definitely tell you about Luffy in a funny style.

It is important to note that Luffy, being the main character in the manga serial, likes to ask stupid questions and is always hungry.

Best collection of funny and dank One Piece memes


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