16 most ferocious pit bull terrier dog looks you will face if ever you trespass on their lawns

1. It’s not because that I am black that I will be nice with you.

pit bull terrier dog 16

 2. Look into my eyes and you will see how my sharp my teeth are.

pit bull terrier dog 15

 3. Come near to count the number of teeth I have.

pit bull terrier dog 14

 4. Come feel my biceps.

pit bull terrier dog 13

 5. I am sad that you are staying far from me. Come near.

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 6. I am the thug in the neighborhood. So no trespassing.

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 7. It’s not because that I am small that I cant bite you.

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8. I am a bad ass.

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9. I am always on the lookout for trespassers.

pit bull terrier dog 8

10. You have three seconds to get off my lawn.

pit bull terrier dog 7

11. If I remain like a statue,maybe someone can get on my lawn and I cant get a bite.

Staffordshire bull terrier portrait

12. My eyes say a lot of things. Try to guess what.

13. Can you see my teeth?They have your reflection in it.

pit bull terrier dog 4

14. I am really happy.I just got a bite of the mailman.

pit bull terrier dog 3

15. I am fully equipped for you.

pit bull terrier dog 2

16. You are lucky that my owner is holding me otherwise…

pit bull terrier dog 1


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