21 Modern Church Signs which will encourage people to attend prayers

You must surely have noticed those modern church signs when you go to pray on Sunday or when you drive next to churches having those signs. These signs look so modern and innovative that you would not think that it is a church sign but rather an office sign. Some of these church signs are even equipped with a dose of technology like a TV screen to display opening times, spiritual messages or specific events. Scroll down this post to look at those modern church signs and please share if you find it interesting.


















Church signs are everywhere—sometimes funny, sometimes silly, but always with a spiritual point. Here is a collection of some of the best slogans, sayings, and challenges ever posted on church signs. You’ll enjoy the humor in the church signs and gain spiritual insight through accompanying scriptures. Make a great personal pick-me-up or a gift!





On a different note but related to signs, you will definitely enjoy one of our posts on “funny signs in Texas“.


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