20+ funny truck memes chosen only for the truck fans

If you are a fan of the rocky hills and mountains and want to hit the road, then you are surely going to enjoy this post on funny truck memes. There is no better feeling than driving a truck and on the high road and feeling the cool breeze on your face, however don’t close your eyes, otherwise you might end up like some of these memes. And what I like the most are the big trucks, which keep you high above the ground when you drive. You will see most of these big trucks typically in America. Please click on the share buttons at the top if you truly enjoy this article on funny truck memes.

When you skip leg day

Don’t over do it!

Every kiss does not begin with K.

The rest made it home.

Parking a gigantic truck within the lines

How to make your Ford faster?

You are doing it wrong!

Camouflaged Ford truck for sale.

How to fix a Ford?

I take up all 4 spots.

When an idiot with a Prius blocks the Diesel pump!

Trucks have HDMI ports now!

Get a Ford they said.

Go home mud truck! You are drunk!

Professional Truck Parking

That look your truck gives you!

Die hard American fan?

Meanwhile in America!

This is how trucks sleep!

Ever wondered if they worked!

Oh…you drive a Prius?

How to ask directions with a truck like this?


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