31 funny police pictures to make you want to enrol in the police force

Police represents the law and is a vector of security, fear and authority. However, being a police office and maintaining all these precious virtues is not an easy job. Sometimes, those police offices come across real embarrassing and funny situations whereby you cannot stop yourself from laughing. These funny police pictures will prove to you that sometimes it can be really funny to enrol yourself in the police force. 

31 funny police pictures to make you want to enrol in the police force

I just want to remind everyone that this post is written uniquely on a funny mood, without comprising the respect and status of police officers.

You can crash in the fence without getting a fine

You get to take pictures with the strippers.

Did someone say police steak?

You get to skateboard and exceed the speed limit

You are under arrest cat for trespassing this zone.

Please stay in your car  sir!

You don’t have the right to take pictures unless it’s my picture you are taking.

You can take your chiwawah out on duty like the police lady.

One of the police’s hot chase.

Cop car for sale here!

Cow milk is good for your health.

You get to ride cool police cars.

You get to chase kicks.

You get to fight with asses.

Oops, parked the police car in a no-parking zone.

Only the dedicated can handle.

You got fever, you need to take your pills.

You get to arrest to heroes like Spider-man

Coolest police car ever.

Call me midget one more time and you will regret it.

American Police versus British Police

A dancing police officer

Alligator attacks police

Even police officers get robbed

Star trooper under arrest

You get to spray people

You need racing cars to chase the criminals

It’s like playing a game when working in the police force

You get pissed at but you have got shields to protect you.

You come across unimaginable situations


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