32 funny nurse memes only nurses will understand better

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Nurses, Nursing Students, CNAs, sometimes you just need that extra laugh to get you through a horrible shift. Nursing is hard! It doesn’t matter if you are full time, part time, a student, or even an instructor. No matter what area you are in, you deal with death, disease and suffering, you work crazy long hours with an unreal amount of responsibility. No matter where you are in your nursing career, these funny nurse memes are just for you.

32 funny nurse memes only nurses will understand better

1. When your shift is finally over and you can go home

2. In the nursing industry, they use the short-staffed method.

3. When you have got a regular patient coming in the hospital

4. When you feel exposed to bacteria.

5. When you see your saviour coming to you

6. You can never say the real truth to a patient even if it is so evident

7. The real problem of nurses before they go to work

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8. It’s race against time when your shift is over

9. Family thinks the nursing job is easy

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10. Who says nursing is stressful?

11. When patients start acting as kids

12. When you have to work for 3 people.

13. You get yelled at and asked for help by the same person

14. When you cant take it anymore

15. You don’t get to choose your patient

16. When a patient threatens to leave Ama

17. Patients surprises you all the time

18. Patients are always in pain and exaggerate all the time

19. Psychiatric nurses be like..

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20. Don’t get so serious in work!

21. A good reason to be a nurse

via NurseBuff

22. You will never see a nurse sitting down

23. Only nurses will understand nurses jokes.

via Memes

24. When you leave work at the end of your shift

25. My mother told me sewing will be fun.

26. So true!

27. Patients are sometimes very ironic

28. Male nurses are the prey to patients

via Quickmeme

29. My face when a patient signs an AMA

30. When you feel so tired to work

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31. Patients who need special attention

via Imgflip

32. Patients who are too demanding



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