20 of the most funny marriage tweets ever tweeted so far

Marriage is a beautiful moment in life whereby your journey of responsibility and relationship starts and will last forever. I once heard from an Indian friend about a popular saying about marriage in his country. As you know, India is very famous for its multitude variety of sweets. So, the saying goes like that,” Marriage is such a sweet that if you don’t eat it, you regret it; and if you eat it, you also regret it.” I believe this saying does not need any explanation; it is self-explanatory. Many married people, with lots of experience, have expressed their views by texting funny marriage tweets on Twitter. Scroll down through the post to enjoy their funny and hilarious opinions.

Better looking wife than him

One last thing before I die?

Marriage is like coffee.

My husband was raised by wolves.

You pick dinner.

She can finish my sentences.

The romance ain’t dead yet.

Every man on earth has to share one brain.

What are you thinking about?

Are we out of Cheetos?

Can’t. I am frozen?

I’m a man. What I say, goes…

Did you give the kids a bath?

We need milk, eggs, and bread. Write it down.

Exact relationship I hoped for.

Disagreeing about the room temperature

I never lost track of the kids.

I’m gonna get yelled at.

Someone invented a laundry folding machine.

This is my greatest accomplishment.

I just love him so much, he’s my everything.

Want me to make dinner?

Stop spending money on stupid stuff.

It’s Friday night!

I don’t remember that one being in our wedding vows.

I love you.

Marriage is fun.

He looks like his dad!

I’m mad at him.

You always do this.

How to fold the laundry like me?

You forgot to run the dishwasher again?

Why are you breathing like that?

I am a man. I do what I want.

Marriage is alright.

Why do you want to end your marriage?

My gift on Valentine’s Day.

Sent 10 texts to explain why he’s wrong.

My kind of anniversary card.

Marriage is an equal partnership.


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