Funny love memes at first sight lasts forever and ever

Being in love is the best thing to ever happen in a person’s life. Be it love at first sight or close friendship changing to love, love is itself is the best feeling to ever have. One important thing in love is that sometimes you need to be funny to entertain your relationship. These funny love memes depicts the true love between two individuals including the way love should be expressed.

Funny love memes at first sight

So if you are true lover and have experienced love at first sight and your relationship with your partner is still going strong and funny at the same time, then this post will bring back some emotions.

funny love memes
I love you only this much
feel free to use kisses…
what do you mean I am not perfect?
And I will always love you…
My love is like a candle
I love you more than cupcakes
I am the guy in the blue
I like to beat my wife…
No lie!
My love for you is like diarrhea
I will hold my farts for you
How do we feel?


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