Funny headstone names Whose Sense Of Humor Will Live Forever

When people die, they normally want to leave a legacy behind in terms of the work they have done, or achievements made. However, there are some special ones who want to leave unique and original legacy behind, in the form of a message or funny headstone names. Even when they are gone, they will live and be remembered forever for their unique sense of humor. May they rest in peace and keep making us laugh instead of being sad whenever we visit their graves. People’s last words stick with us for a long time, but memory fades and stone doesn’t, and definitely, these funny headstone names will be anchored in our minds forever.

List of 40 Genius and Funny headstone names left By People with their unique Sense Of Humor

That’s a real tombstone.

Very original tombstone!

That must have a very smart guy. I should have met with him.

At least they has fun.

I came here without being consulted and left without my consent.

Still waiting for the doctor to come.

She always said her feet were killing her.

I will not be right back after this message.

The tide is high and so I am.

Don’t shit too much there though.

That woman had a unique sense of humor.

A poet lay down here.

Pyramids are found only in Egypt.

Finally, she gave the secret recipe to us after she is gone.

I can imagine that person sitting on his toilet seat at this moment.

Let her rip!

That’s all Folks just like in the cartoons.

We can now contact him even after he’s gone!

Destined to be a woman with too many cats.

I told you I was sick!

Please so not disturb the sleeping one!

Still doing the psychic business from the grave!

That must have been a scary person when alive!

Nice sense of humor!

Yeah it does happen sometimes.

Hope you see the light soon, my friend!

Finally doing his coming out in the grave!

That’s a very long message to leave behind.

I am not sure people would want to enter there.

He was a brave one.

Motivating till the end!

Oh well what ever!

Uncle Walter, you could have left us with some tips before going.

Life is full of deals; some are good and some are bad.

Finally, a place to park in Georgetown!

Pardon me for not rising!

Sucks to be me!

Burger and Fries- Mac Donald is here!

Now I know something you don’t!

Think of me and smile!


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