19 funny cafe names which are worth sipping out their coffee

Being myself a coffee addict, I have tried coffee at so many cafe places over the world just to be able to taste the best coffee of the world. I even tried the coffee in Kenya, which is one the famous and greatest manufacturers of coffee. And as I went along, I came across many cafe places with funny cafe names which are so hilarious that I will let you judge by yourselves.

List of the most Funny Cafe Names around the World

Cafe & Sandwich Bar – Via-Agra

Care for some Sushi at the Coffee Bar

The Wanky Teapot Company

Cafe Penis

Thai Tanic


Grumpy’s Mexican Café

BadAss Coffee

The Daily Grinds Coffee Shop

Café Arsenik

Dumb Starbucks Coffee

Tease me

Maison d’etre Coffee House

in de Buurt

Shut up and take Coffee

Hog Town Cafe

Famished Cafe

Big Boob’s Cafe

Star Fucks Coffee


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