I know that coronavirus is not something to joke about since there has been so many deaths and infections all over the world. Given that I am the humor type, I wanted to attack this deadly virus by pouring in some funny coronavirus memes. I have taken a look around on the net and did not find any article or post on coronavirus memes, however they have spread around just like the virus through meme pictures. As you scroll down my post to see those coronavirus memes, it will certainly raise awareness on its dangers and seriousness of consequences amongst people who don’t realise what the virus is really capable of. And in those moments of suffering, it is better to laugh at your problems than cry over them.
Is Corona there?

We stop all Chinese in!


Poor little girl is the real victim here

We love Chinese food so much

We simply cant miss Bingo night

What’s in the air?

Porn found its way even in moments of crisis

Very sensible thinking

Trying to catch the Corona virus

My trip is more important

The only antidote to Coronavirus

We don’t do that here!

True fact!I also agree.

Asian hot girls gotta hide now unfortunately

We are all gonna die

That’s funny

They are always after Trump

The revenge

At least they are taking their precautions against the virus