These cheerleader fail pics will make you love cheerleaders more

Cheerleaders are the craze and fantasy for all boys in college or high school. They inspire motivation, perseverance and sexiness for everyone and also for the team school players. They are always the centre of attraction whenever there is a game going on. However, when you see these cheerleader fails pics, you will realise that they are indeed the centre of all attraction.

21 cheerleader fails pics to make you love cheerleaders more

I selected these specific cheerleader fail pics specially for your viewing, which I hope you  like by sharing.

The expression of victory

Too heavy to handle

Best thing about somersaults is that you always reach the ground

I know where that is going

Need to evacuate, NOW!

Need to evacuate, NOW! Part 2!

It wasn’t me!

What does ‘OG’ mean?

Trying to do the impossible

Yeah I see it there.

Focus, focus and really focus.

Who is the stupid who put that ball here?

Never go ‘Full Cheerleader’

Why is everyone winking at me?

We are playing ‘Catch the girl’? Wanna play?

It’s scary down there!

It looks like they are playing rugby here.

Catch me if you can

I love this floor so much.

I just love eating green grass.

Why is everything upside down?


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