Why the Book of Excuses Should Be 1 of the 7 Deadly Sins?

Excuses are the only things that people use in this generation to avoid going to places , parties, work and even go to school. However giving the same excuse for every event is so practical. Sometimes, people just know it whenever you are giving a lame excuse.

No worries, the best solution is to look at the book of excuses to help you find the most appropriate excuse whenever you need one.


It is really nice to have one in hand, and I am not sure, but maybe there is an app for it available on Play Store or Apple Store. You can try checking it.

Aha there you are! I just found this book;

“The Little Book of Big Excuses: More Strategies and Techniques for Faking It”

for sale and available on Amazon. You can check and if you are a little bit crazy, you might just buy it. Check the listing here:

[AMAZONPRODUCTS asin=”1573243132″]

Latest Update: I finally found a free app to help you in your quest of excuses on Google Play Store and Apple, created by Jeremey Rodriguez. His excuses were no longer working, that’s why he created this app, I suppose.

Check links here:


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