10 amazing sculptures which defy gravity law of physics

Art can very challenging to make, especially when it concerns making sculptures. To add to the difficulty and make us feel perplex, these talented artists have started making amazing sculptures which completely defy the laws of Gravity in Physics. These gravity defying law of Physics sculptures are just so amazing to the naked eye that we start questioning ourselves on the very basis of our Physics class foundations. In addition to defying gravity, these sculptures are so colossal that you start wondering about how they are properly balanced. Hahahumor has compiled this list on the most amazing sculptures which defy gravity to entertain our readers and we have also included some of Lorenzo Quinn sculptures as well, one sculpture artist known for his great sculpting talent.

The Force Of Nature By Lorenzo Quinn

Wire Fairies By Robin Wight

Wursa By Daniel Firman

Trans Ī Re By Fredrik Raddum

Take My Lighting But Don’t Steal My Thunder By Alex Chinneck

Floating Stone By Smaban Abbas

Coffee Kiss By Johnson Tsang

Les Voyageurs By Bruno Catalano

Wurf VI By Anna Borgman And Candy Lenk

Book Sculptures By Alicia Martin


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