16 dogs and their owners who look alike

1. Both are real beauties

Both are real beauties

2. Chubaka has a dog

Chubaka has a dog

3. Curly hairstyle

Curly Hairstyle

4. Difficult to differentiate between them

Difficult to differentiate between them

5. Giving some advice on hairstyling

6. He should stick his tongue out a bit

He should stick his tongue out a bit

7. Nice moustache


8. Is that a grin?

Is that a grin

9. Made for each other

Made for each other

10. Old is gold in double

Old is gold in double

11. Don’t tilt your heads too much


12. The Grumpy Gang

The Grumpy Gang

13. The more you are, the better you sulk

The more you are the better you sulk

14. The Punk Style

The Punk Style

15. The Rasta Style

The Rasta Style

16. Too bad she has not got the pointed ears to match

Too bad she has not got the ears to match


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