Say sorry with a funny apology letter to your girlfriend

3 points

Difficult to count the number of times a guy has screwed up and has to make it up to her girlfriend. Even though they have tried really hard to make it up by saying sorry like a million times or even do unimaginable things to ask for forgiveness, it just doesn’t work and is not easy for the girls to forgive us. Some guys have thought of the traditional style to ask for forgiveness by simply writing a funny apology letter to his girlfriend because as we all know humor is one of the best solution to close the gap between a couple.

Scroll down to see some of these funny apology letters sent to girlfriends which are ridiculously hilarious.

An example of a letter to send to her:

Hi Sweetheart,

I am sorry about getting into an argument about putting up the Christmas lights. I guess that sometimes I feel like you are pushing me too hard when you want something. I realize that I was wrong and I am apologizing for being such a hard-headed guy. All I want is for you to be happy and be able to enjoy the holiday season. Nothing brightens the Christmas spirit like Christmas lights! I took the time to hang the lights for you today and now I will be off to the hockey rink.

Again, I am very sorry for the way I acted yesterday. I’ll be home later.

Love you!

Her response —

Hi Honey,

Thank you for that heart-felt apology. I don’t often get an apology from you and I truly appreciate it. I also felt bad about the argument and wanted to apologize. I realize that I can sometimes be a little pushy. I will try to respect your feelings from now on. Thank you for taking the time to hang the Christmas lights for me. It really means a lot. In the spirit of giving, I washed your truck for you and now I am off to the mall.

I love you too!

Some funny apology letters to send to your girlfriend or wife whenever you have screwed up:

Give up more You Tube!

From your Rice Crispy Loving Husband

I confirm they are the best!

I am Sorry I kept You Awake

If these apology does not work, you can try sending your girlfriend these funny sorry cards.


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