Funny waiting meme pictures so as not to keep you waiting

People normally don’t like to be kept waiting, and in this era, people no longer have any patience. It is always hectic and rush in their daily routines. Have it ever happened to you that you had to wait for someone at some place? Answer honestly this question – after how many minutes did you start losing patience and become frustrated? The majority of people will start getting impatient only after 5 minutes, which is incredible, since this is not a very long period of time. People these days are always late for work, dates, meetings  and events and the other party is left waiting and frustrated. Well, these funny waiting meme pictures will surely serve as a reminder in the funny sense not to keep the others waiting.

There are also some lucky people are not given any responsibility in the workplace, and they keep waiting for some work to crop up. And a very common situation which arises is when a guy is waiting for the girl he likes to text back, which might not just ever happen.

Check out these 15 funny waiting meme pictures now so as not to keep you waiting

Well, we don’t want you to keep waiting any much longer otherwise you will start to get frustrated too. So, without delay, check these funny waiting meme pictures and if you like this post, don’t forget to click on the share button in the top right or at the end of the post.

Waiting for the week to end

waiting meme

Waiting for mom in the car is long as hell

Waiting for your dream girl to come!

I will always be there waiting for you…no matter what!

Waiting for the next bus!

When you are fed up of waiting!

Waiting for bae to text back.

Should I stop waiting or should I wait for some more?

My ex waiting for someone better than me

Waiting for my package from Ebay to come!

Waiting for bae to reply my text.

They all want me to get married.

Waiting for a girl to make the next move!

Still waiting for your reply.

Is it out yet?


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