Epic Pinterest nailed it fails you must definitely see

Pinterest is one among the most popular social media networks of this century. With its simple design and unique feature of  pinning images has made it acquire millions of users each day. Many people compare beautiful and delicious-looking food pins on Pinterest and try re-create them, however they are epic Pinterest fails as they dont even resemble the initial pictures. See the following pictures to judge by yourself and evaluate these people have nailed it.

1. The Turkey Gone Wrong

via ataleoftwokteachers.blogspot.com

2. Is this a duck monster horror movie?

via mypinstrositylife.com

3. Despicable Monster

via mypinstrositylife.com

4. This is the true Cookie Monster

via lovelyish.com

5. The little Chicks look sad

via thechive.com

6. There are some similarities though

via thechive.com

7. This guy has a very creative mind about hedgehogs

via themetapicture.com

8. It looks like little Kinders from a horror film

via mypinstrositylife.com

9. It looks like a seal.

via lovelyish.com

10. This is a scary Justin Bieber.


11. I pity the turkey.

via pinterest.com

12. I feel overwhelmed before such creativity.

via craftfail.com

13. There are just some people in this world who should never cook.

via craftfail.com

14. I am not eating that for sure.

via thechive.com

15. I feel sorry for that person’s birthday.

via thechive.com

16. Something to give to your Valentine.

via viralnova.com

17. Hello there Sharkey!

via craftfail.com

18. Is that my friend Teddy?

via smosh.com

19. The plastic wrap is very original as decoration.

via thechive.com

20. I call this the Infernal Tower.

via smosh.com


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