
What is 3-3×6+2?Be a genius like Albert Einstein. Remember the digits 3 3 6 2 well!

What if you could time travel and came face to face with Albert Einstein suddenly? And the latter asked you a maths question to test if the people from the future had reached his level. He would ask, “Whats 3-3 x 6+2 = ?”, Even though the answer looks simple, you need to be careful, just remember these figures well, 3 3 6 2, and start computing the multiplication, addition and subtraction (using the rule of BODMAS, if you remember your Maths class well); take this as a hint.

So what would you answer? Please comment below or scroll down for the workings and the answer.










NOTE: BODMAS stands for Bracket of Division Multiplication Addition & Subtraction and represents the order of doing the calculations.

3-3 x 6+2 = ?

Step 1 : First, we do the multiplication.

-3 x 6 = -18

Step 2 : Second, we do the addition.

-18 + 2 = -16

3 -16 = -13

So the answer becomes -13.


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