If you haven’t heard of Pokémon shaming by now, we may just have to PUBLICLY SHAME YOU FOR IT. We’ll make you hold a sign that says, "I don’t keep up with trends on the internet." Then we’ll all point and laugh. HAHAHAHA. Pokémon Shaming is a phenomenon that has swept Tumblr for the past few years. It’s a play on the photos parents take to shame their kids for the bad things they’ve done. Luckily for us, artists are still making the Pokémon version! Here are some of the funniest illustrations of Poke-Shaming on Tumblr:
1. Arcanine
2. Alakazam
3. Jolteon
4. Emolga
5. Espeon
6. Espurr
7. Greninja
8. Archen
9. Rotom
10. Gengar
11. Vaporeon
12. Ditto
13. Noibat
14. Cyndaquil
15. Sableye
16. Raichu
17. Blastoise
18. Heracross
19. Joltik
20. Rapidash
21. Solosis
22. Onix
23. Charmander
Oh, those ornery Pokémon, always getting themselves into trouble. Which one was your favorite? Let me know on Twitter!
Contributor: Richelle MeissView Count: 11Featured: Weekly View Count: 11Content Tag: smoshsmoshpitpokemonashnintendopikachuMass images: