23 of the Best Examples of POKEMON SHAMING

If you haven’t heard of Pokémon shaming by now, we may just have to PUBLICLY SHAME YOU FOR IT. We’ll make you hold a sign that says, "I don’t keep up with trends on the internet." Then we’ll all point and laugh. HAHAHAHA. Pokémon Shaming is a phenomenon that has swept Tumblr for the past few years. It’s a play on the photos parents take to shame their kids for the bad things they’ve done. Luckily for us, artists are still making the Pokémon version! Here are some of the funniest illustrations of Poke-Shaming on Tumblr:

1. Arcanine

(via AmberSDraws)

2. Alakazam

pokemon shaming alakazam funny
(via Kaitlyn)

3. Jolteon

jolteon pokemon shaming funny
(via Erin)

4. Emolga

pokemon shaming emolga funny
(via UnbreakableBond)

5. Espeon

pokemon shaming espeon funny
(via CrispyCh0colate)

6. Espurr

espurr pokemon shaming funny
(via Cookie/Moenosuke)

7. Greninja

pokemon shaming greninja funny
(via Wouhlven)

8. Archen

pokemon shaming funny archen
(via Edward Applewood)

9. Rotom

rotom pokemon shaming funny
(via Eledora)

10. Gengar

pokemon shaming funny gengar
(via Yupio)

11. Vaporeon

pokemon shaming funny vaporeon
(via Pylime)

12. Ditto

ditto pokemon shaming funny
(via u m u)

13. Noibat

pokemon shaming funny noibat
(via BritishNickyy)

14. Cyndaquil

pokemon shaming cyndaquil funny
(via Lunaomi)

15. Sableye

pokemon sableye shaming funny
(via Shea Noelle)

16. Raichu

raichu pokemon shaming funny
(via Centchi)

17. Blastoise

hot out pokemon shaming blastoise
(via Troopa)

18. Heracross

pokemon shaming heracross funny
(via ky-nim)

19. Joltik

pokemon shaming joltik funny
(via Joltik92)

20. Rapidash

rapidash pokemon shaming funny
(via ProbablyFakeBlonde)

21. Solosis

solosis pokemon shaming funny
(via KatPunMatsu)

22. Onix

pokemon shaming funny onix
(via CupCakeCrash)

23. Charmander

pokemon shaming charizard funny
(via SeviYummy)

Oh, those ornery Pokémon, always getting themselves into trouble. Which one was your favorite? Let me know on Twitter!

Contributor: Richelle MeissView Count: 11Featured: Weekly View Count: 11Content Tag: smoshsmoshpitpokemonashnintendopikachuMass images:


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